At East Preston Infant School we aim to ensure that children develop a sense of who they are and their belonging within their own families, the local community and the wider, more diverse society within the UK and our world.
Our curriculum and our Rights Respecting ethos have been carefully designed to develop tolerance, respect and self-esteem. Through our Therapeutic Thinking approach, we teach children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings as they happen, teaching them to use strategies to manage these, so they can become independent in regulating their emotions and building resilience.
Through weekly lessons, as well as through other curriculum links, e.g. Science, RE, Computing, assemblies, we develop children’s understanding of appropriate social skills and establishing boundaries around respectful relationships, including being able to recognise and challenge bullying. Mental health/mindfulness sessions are included in order to support the children’s development of strategies to recognise and balance their mental well-being.
All children have their voice heard through the democratic election of our School Council and involvement in wider community projects.
Alongside this, children are exposed to a wider range of PSHE/RSE experiences throughout the year, such as community links with local elderly residents, disability group workshops, celebrating diversity through both our curriculum and assemblies.
Intended Impact
Through PSHE/RSE, our children will:
- become happy, confident citizens who have developed the key skills and knowledge necessary for the next stage of their learning.
- develop the skills and knowledge needed to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilling lives, where they are able to make informed choices and to identify and manage risk.
The school maintains the Gold ‘Rights Respecting Award’ and the ‘BIG (Anti-Bullying) Award’ in recognition of the children’s ability to demonstrate skills and knowledge in PSHE/RSE.
PSHE/RSE Progression Overview
PSHE/RSE Milestones
PSHE/RSE Learning Journey