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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School



At East Preston Infant School we aim for the children to become curious and fascinated about the physical world and the incredible differences in its people.


This is achieved through knowledge-based learning which is carried out in an enjoyable and age appropriate way. We actively use the surrounding locality and its geographical features to deliver our Learning Outside the Classroom curriculum. Each year group have forest school and beach school sessions throughout the year. This rich learning environment is where many geography objectives are carried out through an enquiry led approach. Half termly units build upon prior learning and enable consolidation and deepening of key concepts so that children can apply their knowledge and skills more widely.

Intended Impact

Through Geography, our children will:

  • know about diverse places, people and environments
  • know about natural and human environments
  • deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes
  • develop levels of geographical vocabulary and skills, enabling children to confidently ask questions, communicate their findings and share their geographical understanding.

Geography Progression Overview
Geography Milestones
Geography Learning Journey