School Grounds Morning Thursday 20th June

We are pleased that we are able to invite volunteers into the school grounds to support our Summer term School Grounds Morning on Thursday 20th June. As all the activities will be outside we are able to keep volunteers and children safe while we improve our outside areas.
We are asking for volunteers (parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends of the school), to spend some time on Thursday 20th June 2024 from 9am until midday to help with a variety of seasonal tasks such as clearing dead plants, picking up leaves, litter collection, hedge trimming, cleaning the ponds and general tidying of the school grounds.
You are welcome to work with your child if you would like to. If so, it would be helpful if they have wellington boots, a waterproof coat and gardening gloves if possible. We usually have a great day… even in the damp and drizzle! Please feel free to come for whatever amount of time that you can.
We have very limited tools, so we would appreciate it if you could bring in your own tools to use on the day. We are specifically looking for saws, a hedge trimmer (not petrol), gloves, spades, forks trowels, secateurs, wood paintbrushes, hammers and wheel barrows.
We would also like to ask for any donations of seeds/bulbs/sensory plants e.g. herbs for the big day. Please bring these in from Monday the 17th of June to the school office.
Please note that School Grounds Morning is a non-uniform day. Please can all children therefore come to school in clothes suitable for gardening.