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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School

School News

Welcome to our Schools News page which will keep you an idea of some of the interesting things happening in and around the school.

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  • 17/10/24

    Fireworks Extravaganza Friday 15th Nov 5-7pm

    To be held in the Infants School playground. Tickets available through Arbor (EPJS) and Weduc (EPIS) Family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children) -  £15.00 Single Adult (15 years and over)  - £5.00 Single Child (3 years and over) - £3.50 Wristbands must be worn on the ni...
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  • 07/10/24

    Individual Photos - 15th October 2024

    The School photographer is visiting our school on Tuesday 15th October to take individual photographs of all children.
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  • 23/07/24

    School reopens to our Y1 and Y2 pupils on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

    New YR pupils - children will attend two half days on Friday 6th and Monday 9th September. All YR pupils start full-time on Tuesday 10th September.
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  • 28/06/24

    Early Transition Morning Wednesday 3rd July

    The children will visit their new classes on Wednesday 3rd July for the morning and will then move into those classes from Monday 8th July until the end of term. Our current Y2 children will relocate to Puffins, Wagtails and the current Woodpeckers classrooms where they will become our temporary...
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  • 06/06/24

    School Grounds Morning Thursday 20th June

    We are pleased that we are able to invite volunteers into the school grounds to support our Summer term School Grounds Morning on Thursday 20th June. As all the activities will be outside we are able to keep volunteers and children safe while we improve our outside areas. We are asking for volunt...
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  • 15/05/24

    INSET Day Monday 3rd June

    Enjoy May half term and we welcome you all back on Tuesday 4th June
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  • 03/05/24

    Class Photos Monday 13th May

    These will take place during the morning of Monday 13th May.  Please ensure that your child has their jumper or cardigan with them on this morning.  You are also welcome to send your child in with a hairbrush or comb in order that they look their best.
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  • 17/04/24

    Sophy Henn Author Visit 02.05.2024

    Sophy Henn will be visiting Years 1 and 2 on Thursday 2nd May!
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  • 28/03/24

    Easter Holidays - term restarts Monday 15th April

    School starts back Monday 15th April. On behalf of all the staff at East Preston Infant School we would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter!
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  • 22/03/24

    FEPIS Cake Sale Wednesday 27th March

    Wednesday 27th March - cake sale (after school, cash only please).  Donations to be brought in on the morning.  
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  • 14/03/24

    Scholastic Book Fair W/C 18th March

    This will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school until 3.45pm and on Wednesday before school starting at 8.20am.  The Book Fair will be located in the inner foyer so please make your way to the main entrance. Many books are discounted so you can make great savings and...
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  • 08/03/24

    Parent Consultations 12th, 13th and 14th March

    Parents Evenings - Online Appointment Booking (via school cloud) Virtual Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th or Thursday 14th March. Robins and Puffins class will have one on Thursday 21st March to replace Thursday 14th March due to teacher availab...
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